Saturday, December 31, 2011


I can't believe it's over already -- 2011 seems to have flown by. I've never lost sight of what a privilege it is to have a readership, especially one so supportive of projects I'm working on. This year, my big project was the Bahá’í eBook cover idea, which was a success in its own right, and got taken to another level with my partnership with Bahá’í eBooks Publications -- the premier internet location for Bahá’í eBooks. The release of the eBook covers also prompted me to finally redesign and launch my website, I'm excited to continue my partnership with Bahá’í eBooks Publications into 2012, as well as continue working on some exciting projects that are currently underway. Thank you all for your support!

As always, here are some stats, courtesy of Google Analytics:

Readers from 22 countries visited the site, including the United States, Brazil, Israel, Australia, Russia, Bangladesh, Mexico, and India.

Of the 8 recorded OSs, more people visited on Macs than any other, followed by Windows, iPad, iPhone, and Android.

Of the 10 recorded browsers, more people viewed the blog on Safari, followed by Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.

The Top 5 Posts of 2011 (by total views) were:

1. Steve Jobs
2. Bahá'i eBook Covers Project: Launching Today!
3. Remembrance
4. Steve Apple Word Tribute
5. Announcement: Bahá'í eBooks Publications Partnership!

Thanks for a great 2011, and here's to an even better 2012!

P.S. Here are my end-of-year posts from 2008 and 2010, for nostalgia's sake.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Announcement: Bahá'í eBooks Publications Partnership!

I am delighted to finally announce that I have partnered with Bahá'í eBooks Publications to bring my eBook covers to their collection. I have been using their books as the basis for my personal Bahá'í eBook collection since I discovered them several months ago, as their formatting and layout is the best I have seen for electronic reading. Their attention to detail and technical skill in beautifully presenting the sacred texts makes it a pleasure to read their editions, and I'm honored to be working with them to bring my cover project to a larger audience.

My covers will still be freely downloadable from my website, where you can download them at full resolution and apply them to your own digital copies. I highly encourage you to check out Bahá'í eBooks Publications's work, however -- their eBooks are free, beautifully made, and they have a vast selection of texts from Bahá’u’lláh, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, The Báb, The Universal House of Justice, and more.

We're starting by releasing three books with my covers, and will be expanding to more in the near future. The three (newly-updated!) editions with my covers are The Kitáb-i-Aqdas, The Kitáb-i-Íqán, and The Secret of Divine Civilization. Enjoy!

The official announcement from their website is copied below; you can also check out their tweets (first and second) and Facebook posts.

December 19, 2011 
We have entered into a collaboration with designer Iman Rastegari to bring you a set of unified covers for the Sacred Writings. We will be offering a choice of covers for certain books – Iman’s covers will allow you to create a unified set of book covers for your electronic bookshelves. When we have options for books covers, a number will appear beside the book so that you know that the only difference between the books is the cover.