Monday, February 20, 2012

Bahá'í eBook Covers Update!

 I've just updated my website with a bunch of new and tweaked eBook covers! As you can see from the sampling above, there are some new books, including a brand new design for the debut of books from The Báb, as well as some redesigning and updating of covers I had already released. 

This is the first book of The Báb's for which I've designed a cover; interestingly, the five-pointed design actually took longer than most of the nine-sided designs featured in the rest of the covers. I hope you like it! 

I've updated both covers for texts from The Universal House of Justice; changing their author credit to gold, and changing the color scheme on One Common Faith to be consistent with the unique shading of The Promise of World Peace. 

I've updated the cover of Gleanings to better reflect the full, correct title: Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh. I've also updated most of His other covers to more clearly show subtitles (for example, "The Most Holy Book", for The Kitáb-I-Aqdas). 

I created a new cover, as well as updated the existing ones, with a slightly more prominent star design for 'Abdu'l-Bahá. 

I hope you enjoy the updates, and always, feel free to reach out with your thoughts and comments! You can see and download everything from my site

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